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Glebeland Primary School

Contact Us

Whatever your enquiry or concern, we would love to hear from you.

Please feel free to contact Miss Fran Baker, the Office Manager via the methods below.

By Email:

By Telephone:

01502 677354

Our office is open between the hours of 8:30am and 3:30pm

Visit or Write to Us: Glebeland  Primary School
Beccles Road
Toft Monks
NR34 0EW
How to find Us: Located on the A143 between Beccles and St. Olaves.
Academy Head:

The Academy Head for our school is Miss Emma Davies who can be contacted via email at:

Chair of Trust Board:

The Chair of the Consortium Trust Board is Mr Steve Martin who can be contacted via email at:


The SENDCo for our school is Miss Emma Davies who can be contacted via email at: