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Glebeland Primary School

School Day

08:00 - 08:30    Breakfast club (optional)

08:30     Doors open to pupils and Registration

08:45     Start of lessons

10:30     Morning break

10:45     Morning lessons continue

12.00     Lunch

12:45     Afternoon lessons begin

14:00     Afternoon Break (at the Class Teacher’s discretion)

14:10     Afternoon lessons continue

15:15     End of school

15:15 - 16.15 Enrichment Clubs (optional)

Transport to and from school

Free transport is provided, in accordance with the law, by Norfolk County Council for children under eight years of age who live more than two miles from the school and aged eight and above who live over three miles from the school. 

It may be possible for children to use the school transport on a fee paying basis if there is sufficient space available.  Any offer of a place would be at the discretion of the transport provider and application should be made through the Passenger Transport Unit at County Hall by telephone on 0344 800 8003 or online at

Children should travel on the bus to which they are assigned.  If you are collecting a child who normally travels on the bus please wait by the blue door at the front of the school then collect your child front the hall. A member of staff can then mark the resister accordingly. In the interests of safety we will not release a child to an unknown adult without prior notification.

If a child stays for an after school activity, it is the parent’s responsibility to inform both the school and the bus driver that their child will not need transport home. At the end of the day children must stay with a member of staff close to the school building until collected by their parent.  They are not permitted to cross the playground at home time without an adult to accompany them.